safeguarding quality by controlling all the processes, from farm to fork

Through knowledge and by securing risks of raw materials and process, and by measuring cross-contamination every day, we offer our customers extra service.

We continuously invest in both our facilities and the knowledge and skills of our employees. We aim to lead the way and set the standard for hygiene and quality control in food manufacturing.

production facility

Thanks to barcode scanning and a highly innovative and user-friendly ERP software system, we know precisely what we are (or will be) processing when, and why.

reliable and fast deliveries

Fully closed production systems contribute to product quality and safety and limit risks. A strict control of the final product confirms the quality before the product is released and becomes available for our customer.

product quality and safety

Flexibility is important to our customer. Our process is equipped and lined-up as such. We can switch quickly and easily and this promotes our service oriented way of working.

quality management

Safeguarding the quality of the product. We have full control over the entire process:

  • Nothing enters or leaves without a valid passport!
  • Weight In Equals Weight Out.
  • DP&S is certified for fully safeguarding against cross-contamination.




Quality control system and certificates

dp&s quality


Dutch Protein & Services manufactures the highest quality ingredients for the food industry and strives for complete consumer food safety. We produce conform GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) principles. Quality is guaranteed through various management systems that are in place. We are recognized according to the GFSI standard and Risk Plaza. If desired, our products can be supplied with halal, kosher, organic or gluten free certifications.


BRCGS Food Safety

Dutch Protein & Services has been BRC-certified for years. This certificate is a GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) certificate. The BRC Food Technical Standard was introduced to guarantee the quality and safety of products sold by members of the British Retail Consortium, representing 90% of retail trade in the UK. Click here for the certificate.


BRCGS Plant-based 

Sept 2020 | As first company in the world Dutch Protein & Services meets the rigorous conditions of the new Plant-Based Global Standard. This certification gives you and your customers the assurance that all our ingredients for vegan and vegetarian products are guaranteed free of animal by-products. The underlying quality management system and certification process are developed by BRCGS. Lloyd’s Register signed for the audit. Click here for the certificate.


Gluten Free

A growing part of our products is Gluten Free. Dutch Protein & Services guarantees the Gluten Free status of the products by external analyses on gluten presence. We can produce gluten free according to the EU regulation of < 20 ppm gluten in our products. Click here for the certificate.


Skal – Bio Controle

DP&S is proud that SKAL, the Dutch organisation responsible for the supervision, the auditing and certification of Organic producers of food stuffs in the Netherlands, has certified Dutch Protein & Services as Organic Producer. Dutch Protein & Services selects the best quality Organic raw materials for the production of unique, innovative, Organic certified products. Dutch Protein & Services guarantees, under the supervision of SKAL, the quality, functionality, and reliability for it’s Organic product range. The product development is as usual tailored to and around the customer, leading to exactly the right, Organic solution. Click here for the certificate.



Food has a moral quality and the conditions under which foods are processed and produced play an important role for many people, cultures and geographical areas of the world. Dutch Protein & Services cares greatly about this and wishes to supply her ingredients Halal. The Foundation Halal Correct Certification takes care of the traceability, the monitoring system and the certification for Dutch Protein & Services. The Quality System of the Foundation Halal Correct Certification is a guarantee for food quality with a universal and Islamic morality.


Responsible Soy

Dutch Protein & Services B.V. is a member of RTRS (Round Table on Responsible Soy) since 1 September 2015. All soy that is used, processed and sold is covered by ‘RTRS Mass Balance’.


Simply Ok

In December 2018, DP&S was the second company that was certified for the Code of Practice of SimplyOK. SimplyOK is a non-profit foundation with the purpose of providing clear, reliable and complete information about allergens on food labels. DP&S has successfully proven to meet the requirements of the allergen management system, the SimplyOK Standard. 



Riskplaza is a Dutch quality management system that guarantees DP&S customers that the potential risks associated with raw materials and ingredients are adequately managed. This is practically done by identifying all risks that are associated with all ingredients and additives that DP&S uses and by ensuring that those risks are properly managed. This means putting in place safeguards within all suppliers’ operations and performing various analyses within DP&S itself.” The system uses the information from the RiskPlaza database. This database contains all known associated risks specified for each ingredient and lists measures that are to be taken to manage those risks. Click here for the certificate.


external quality and safety audits

We produce our products in our own Tiel based production facility, following the highest hygiene standards. We regularly welcome external auditors, who ensure that we follow correct procedures for hygienic work processes, storage and cleaning. They also assess the state of our premises, and the traceability of the raw ingredients we use, as well as the traceability of our final products. We continuously invest in our factory in order to be at the forefront of the strictest hygiene and quality control standards for food ingredient production.